GSAAS is a local American Meteorological Society (AMS) chapter, open to any student or faculty member, with an interest in meteorology and weather related phenomena. Our meetings and discussions are open to anyone to attend.
What GSAAS stands for has been formed as a student organization with three main goals in mind:
To foster growth of Atmospheric Sciences both at/in the name of Howard University and in general.
To provide a student-faculty/staff interface which will allow for better communication of concerns and opinions of both parties, pertaining to the Howard University Atmospheric Sciences (HUPAS) program.
To facilitate interrelationships among the many departments and disciplines in the HUPAS program.
GSAAS plans to forward these goals through series of professional, social, and educational events, as well as panels and discussions among HUPAS members. There will be general meetings of GSAAS members, at least once each month, where events and issues will be discussed. In addition, there will be several committees formed by GSAAS members for the planning of discussions and events.